Not only do we need to be intentional about teaching gifted
kids to self-advocate we also must reinforce the skill throughout their remaining
school years.
Case in point? Amelia. She was one of those amazing kids who loved school, loved
her friends, loved cross country, loved community service, loved creating works
of art, loved Destination Imagination, and
loved her teachers. It wouldn’t be
a stretch to say that her teachers loved her in return because of her energy,
her positive attitude, her willingness to work hard.
And Amelia was always up for an intellectual challenge,
including the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, one of the most
academically demanding high school programs.
But half way through her first year of IB, Amelia walked into my
office in tears. “I can’t do
this,” she said. “I have too many
mid-term deadlines during the same week.
I can’t do a good job on anything
when everything takes so much time,
so much thought and energy.”
“Have you talked to your teachers about the deadlines?” I asked.
“OMG!” Amelia
said. “You’ve been telling us
about self-advocacy since 6th grade and now, for the first time, I
need to do it!”
And guess who talked to each of her teachers, proposed
alternative due dates, and did an extraordinary job on all of her IB assessments.
Actual self-advocacy is an ongoing
process that students consciously or subconsciously must be comfortable using
if and when they need it throughout their lives.
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