Many creative/talented/gifted (c/t/g) middle school
students are generally unaware that their route to graduation can and should be
significantly different from that of their less able peers. Many slog on through grades 6 to 12,
sometimes challenged and interested, frequently not.
Even if a wide array of high quality differentiated
educational options is available, many c/t/g adolescents choose not to take
advantage of those opportunities.
Advice of parents and teachers is often shunned as teens transition into
the greater independence of middle or high school. Parents and educators can encourage students’ appropriate
choices and foster self-advocacy by helping them to understand their rights and
responsibilities as gifted individuals, to assess their personal learner profiles,
to investigate alternative experiences, and to connect with the people who can bring
about change.
If c/t/g students are uniquely capable of
self-advocacy, why don’t they do it?
Do they need permission to ask for what they need? Are they afraid of
being ridiculed? Do they not know how? Are they uncomfortable with the
etiquette of speaking with powerful adults? Even if they are inclined to
advocate for themselves, they may think they lack the skills required to
advocate effectively for themselves.
Kit Finn theorized that although c/t/g children may be
forthright about stating their needs, their egotism keeps them from being
either subtle or tactful. “Turning
this into effective self-advocacy is a complex effort,” she writes. Without training, a “child’s naive
efforts tend to antagonize others.
The child may become inappropriately manipulative, or may learn to stop
attempting to self-advocate at all.
For, c/t/g students who are underachievers,
self-advocacy may be the key to becoming an achiever but they may be reluctant
to take the risk of asking for something different when they have not performed.
Susan Winebrenner wrote, “The most common complaint about underachievers is,
‘They won’t do their work.’ In my
experience, the reality is that they won’t do the teacher’s work, but would be
very happy to work on what is meaningful for them.”
There are myriad means to an appropriately challenging
educational experience but these opportunities are ineffective if students do
not willingly engage in them. In order for their education to be personally
meaningful, c/t/g students must be allowed to make choices. Providing them with
choices has been identified as a primary motivational tool that encourages
learning. Educational researchers
have found that self-regulated learning that included choice led to higher
self-efficacy and improved academic performance for middle school
students. It was also revealed
that the issue of choice was crucial for addressing motivation and student
achievement. However, providing
choices in the classroom requires that teachers share power with students, thus
encouraging decision making and ownership of learning.
While it is important for teachers to believe in
student choice and to create varied learning opportunities, it is just as
important for students to understand their specific personal educational needs
and to develop the skill to advocate for themselves. Frances Karnes contends
that children with high intellectual, academic, and creative ability are
especially ready to take charge of their own education, citing several studies
that found a more internal locus of control (the feeling that control of one's
life rests in one's own hands) is associated with giftedness.
For c/t/g students to receive an appropriate education, educators must not only provide challenging opportunities, they must also help those students become partners in their own education by understanding their needs, discovering available options, and becoming proficient at advocating for themselves. A workshop on self-advocacy for creative/gifted/talented teens can provide them with engaging, interactive, direct instruction in these skills.
For c/t/g students to receive an appropriate education, educators must not only provide challenging opportunities, they must also help those students become partners in their own education by understanding their needs, discovering available options, and becoming proficient at advocating for themselves. A workshop on self-advocacy for creative/gifted/talented teens can provide them with engaging, interactive, direct instruction in these skills.
Let's do it!
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